1. AsynchLong::TD.x
    Generated Asynchronous Longitudinal Data with Time-Dependent Coefficients
  2. AsynchLong::TD.y
    Generated Asynchronous Longitudinal Data with Time-Dependent Coefficients
  3. AsynchLong::TI.x
    Generated Asynchronous Longitudinal Data with Time-Invariant Coefficients
  4. AsynchLong::TI.y
    Generated Asynchronous Longitudinal Data with Time-Invariant Coefficients
  5. baclava::all_cause_rates
    All Cause Mortality Rates
  6. baclava::data.clinical
    Toy Dataset
  7. baclava::data.screen
    Toy Dataset
  8. CNVreg::CNV
    Simulated data with copy number variants (CNV), Covariates (Cov), and outcomes traits (Y_QT for a continuous outcome and Y_BT for a binary outcome)for the illustration of CNV association analysis with penalized regression in CNVreg.
  9. CNVreg::Cov
    Simulated data with copy number variants (CNV), Covariates (Cov), and outcomes traits (Y_QT for a continuous outcome and Y_BT for a binary outcome)for the illustration of CNV association analysis with penalized regression in CNVreg.
  10. CNVreg::Y_BT
    Simulated data with copy number variants (CNV), Covariates (Cov), and outcomes traits (Y_QT for a continuous outcome and Y_BT for a binary outcome)for the illustration of CNV association analysis with penalized regression in CNVreg.
  11. CNVreg::Y_QT
    Simulated data with copy number variants (CNV), Covariates (Cov), and outcomes traits (Y_QT for a continuous outcome and Y_BT for a binary outcome)for the illustration of CNV association analysis with penalized regression in CNVreg.
  12. CONCUR::cnvData
    Pseudo Copy Number Variants Data
  13. CONCUR::covData
    Pseudo Covariate Data
  14. CONCUR::phenoData
    Pseudo Phenotype Data
  15. contTimeCausal::ctcData
    Toy Dataset For Illustration
  16. DOVE::doveData
    Toy Dataset For Illustration
  17. DTRreg::twoStageCens
    Toy Two-Stage Trial Datasets
  18. DTRreg::twoStageCont
    Toy Two-Stage Trial Datasets
  19. DTRreg::twoStageSurv
    Toy Two-Stage Trial Datasets
  20. DynTxRegime::bmiData
    Adolescent BMI dataset (generated toy example)
  21. ICODS::ccData
    Toy Example for Case-Cohort Design with Interval-Censored Data
  22. ICODS::odsData
    Toy Example for ODS Design with Interval-Censored Data
  23. iDOVE::idoveData
    Toy Dataset For Illustration
  24. POSTm::metadata
    Example Dataset For Illustration
  25. POSTm::otu
    Example Dataset For Illustration
    matrix|39 x 189
  26. POSTm::otuseq
    Example Dataset For Illustration
  27. POSTm::otutree
    Example Dataset For Illustration
  28. SurvLong::X
    Generated Sparse Longitudinal Data
  29. SurvLong::Z
    Generated Sparse Longitudinal Data
  30. tLagInterim::b.data.bin
    Toy Dataset With a Binary Outcome For Illustration
  31. tLagInterim::b.data.cat
    Toy Dataset With a Categorical Outcome For Illustration
  32. tLagInterim::b.data.cont
    Toy Dataset With a Continuous Outcome For Illustration
  33. tLagInterim::t.data.bin
    Toy Dataset With a Binary Outcome For Illustration
  34. tLagInterim::t.data.cat
    Toy Dataset With a Categorical Outcome For Illustration
  35. tLagInterim::t.data.cont
    Toy Dataset With a Continuous Outcome For Illustration
  36. tLagInterim::x.data.bin
    Toy Dataset With a Binary Outcome For Illustration
  37. tLagInterim::x.data.cat
    Toy Dataset With a Categorical Outcome For Illustration
  38. tLagInterim::x.data.cont
    Toy Dataset With a Continuous Outcome For Illustration
  39. tLagPropOdds::tLagData
    Toy Dataset For Illustration
  40. VEwaning::veWaningData
    Toy Dataset For Illustration
  41. VEwaningVariant::variantData
    Toy Dataset For Illustration