DOVE is an R package for evaluating the durability of vaccine efficacy (VE) in a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial with staggered enrollment of participants and potential crossover of placebo recipients (Lin et al., 2021a; 2021b). It inputs a rectangular dataset with the following information:
Of note, an arbitrary number of baseline covariates can be included, and all time variables are measured from the start of the trial and are specified in units of days.
The two primary analysis tools of the package are and , the formal argument structures of which are similar and were chosen to resemble that of the function of the package. The underlying methodologies for and are detailed in Lin et al. (2021a) and Lin et al. (2021b), respectively. Function allows the vaccine effect to be an arbitrary function of time, whereas function assumes that the log hazard ratio for the vaccine effect is a piecewise linear function of time. Both functions return the estimated hazard ratio for each baseline covariate, the estimated VE in reducing the attack rate (cumulative incidence), the estimated VE in reducing the hazard rate (instantaneous risk), and the estimated VE in reducing the attack rate over successive time periods.
We recommend for exploratory analyses and for formal analyses. The latter yields more stable estimates, together with proper confidence intervals, for VE in reducing the hazard rate. Both functions handle potentially right-censored events (e.g., symptomatic COVID-19, severe COVID-19, death). For interval-censored infection endpoints, iDOVE should be used instead.
The DOVE package includes convenience functions , , and . Function is used to simplify the specification of input variables required in the model statements of and , similar in spirit to the function of the package. A simulated dataset is provided to illustrate the use of the software.
This convenience function is used as a component of the right-hand side of a formula object for the sole purpose of simplifying the specification of required input variables: entry time, vaccination status, and vaccination time. This function is not intended to be used as a stand-alone feature; although for completeness, the function ensures that the input data obey basic constraints and returns the data in a predictable format for use in internal functions.
The usage is
where is the time when the participant enters the trial, is the binary indicator of vaccination, and is the time when vaccination takes place.
This function estimates VE as a nonparametric function of time. The value object returned contains the estimated hazard ratio for each baseline covariate, estimated VE in reducing the attack rate, VEa(t), and in reducing the hazard rate, VEh(t), where t is the time elapsed since vaccination, as well as the estimated VE in reducing the attack rate over m successive time periods, VEa(0, t1), VEa(t1, t2), …, VEa(tm − 1, tm). By definition, VEa(0, t) = VEa(t).
The function call takes the following form:
whereTo obtain reliable estimates of VEa (tj − 1, tj) (j = 1, …, m), we suggest using broad time periods, such as every month, every two months, or every quarter. If is not provided, the default time periods are every 60 days. (If τ < 60 days, timePts must be provided.) We suggest choosing between 0.1 and 1.0: a smaller bandwidth yields a less biased estimate of VEh(t), whereas a larger bandwidth yields a smoother estimate of the VEh curve. The default value of is 0.3. This input is ignored if is FALSE.
The model statement is a formula object. The left-hand side is a survival analysis object as returned by the function of the package and specifies the event time and event status. The right-hand side is a combination of baseline covariates and the previously described function. Categorical baseline covariates can be specified, and if provided, all other categories are compared to the first category. The input takes the following general structure
Surv(event_time, event_status) ~ covariates +
vaccine(entry_time, vaccination_status, vaccination_time)
where ‘event_time’, ‘event_status’, ‘covariates’, ‘entry_time’ ‘vaccination_status’ and ‘vaccination_time’ are place holders indicating the data that are to be provided; they will be replaced by the variable names in the header of the input data.
The two VE measures, VEa(t) and VEh(t), are estimated up to the last observed event time. However, the estimates near the end of crossover where there are very few placebo participants under follow-up may not be reliable. We also constrain VEh to be 0 at day 0 and non-decreasing at the right tail. For estimating VEa over successive time periods, the last time period should not extend beyond the point that there are still a few placebo participants under follow-up.
This function estimates VE under the assumption that the log hazard ratio for the vaccine effect is a piecewise linear function of time. The value object returned is similar to that returned by and contains the estimated hazard ratio for each baseline covariate, estimated VE in reducing the attack rate, VEa(t), and in reducing the hazard rate, VEh(t), where t is the time elapsed since vaccination, as well as the estimated VE in reducing the attack rates over m successive time periods, VEa(0, t1), VEa(t1, t2), …, VEa(tm − 1, tm). The 95% confidence intervals for all three measures of VE are provided.
The function call takes the following form:
where , , , and are as described above for . Input is an optional numerical vector to specify the change points, in units of days, of the piece-wise log-linear hazard ratio for the vaccine effect. If no change points are provided, one change point will automatically be selected among Weeks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 by the Akaike information criterion (AIC). Input is a logical object indicating the VE trend after the last change point. If specified as TRUE, VE is assumed to be constant in the period after the last change point; otherwise it is allowed to vary after the last change point. If is not specified, the default sequence of the multiples of the first change point will be used.
The model statement is as previously described for . Specifically, the input takes the following general structure
Surv(event_time, event_status) ~ covariates +
vaccine(entry_time, vaccination_statue, vaccination_time)
To ensure stability, we suggest placing change points at the time points where the events are relatively frequent and not placing change points near the right tail. We estimate VEa(t) and VEh(t) up to the maximum of all observed event times.
When provided a value object of class DOVE (the object returned by and ), this convenience function creates/recreates plots of the estimated VE in reducing the attack rate, VEa(t), and in reducing the hazard rate, VEh(t).
When provided a value object of class DOVE (the object returned by and ), the tabular results are displayed.
We use the dataset provided with the package, doveData, to illustrate the analyses. This dataset was simulated under a priority-tier dependent crossover design with a ramping vaccine effect between dose 1 and dose 2 and contains the following observations for each of the 40,000 participants:
The data can be loaded in the usual way
## entry.time event.time event.status vaccine.time vaccine.status priority sex
## 1 69 212 1 NA 0 4 1
## 2 92 320 0 250 1 3 0
## 3 21 137 1 NA 0 3 0
## 4 31 320 0 186 1 5 1
## 5 32 320 0 251 1 3 0
## 6 72 320 0 188 1 5 1
The summary statistics are shown below
## entry.time event.time event.status vaccine.time
## Min. : 0.00 Min. : 9.0 Min. :0.00000 Min. : 0.0
## 1st Qu.: 31.00 1st Qu.:320.0 1st Qu.:0.00000 1st Qu.: 57.0
## Median : 60.00 Median :320.0 Median :0.00000 Median :112.0
## Mean : 60.25 Mean :310.8 Mean :0.06657 Mean :148.1
## 3rd Qu.: 90.00 3rd Qu.:320.0 3rd Qu.:0.00000 3rd Qu.:247.0
## Max. :120.00 Max. :320.0 Max. :1.00000 Max. :319.0
## NA's :3234
## vaccine.status priority sex
## Min. :0.0000 Min. :1.000 Min. :0.0000
## 1st Qu.:1.0000 1st Qu.:2.000 1st Qu.:0.0000
## Median :1.0000 Median :3.000 Median :1.0000
## Mean :0.9192 Mean :3.005 Mean :0.5035
## 3rd Qu.:1.0000 3rd Qu.:4.000 3rd Qu.:1.0000
## Max. :1.0000 Max. :5.000 Max. :1.0000
We see that participants were enrolled in the study over a 4-month period (0 ≤ entry.time ≤ 120 days), the follow-up ended on day 320 (event.time ≤ 320 days) with a ∼ 6.7% event rate, and ∼ 92% of the participants were vaccinated over the course of the study period. In addition, the priority (risk) score is evenly distributed across participants, who are equally distributed between the two sex groups.
First, we illustrate a analysis. Here, we will include in our model statement baseline covariates, priority and sex. In addition, we will use the default partitioning of the study period and the default tuning parameter for the bandwidth. The function call takes the following form
result1 <- dove(formula = Surv(event.time, event.status) ~ priority + sex +
vaccine(entry.time, vaccine.status, vaccine.time),
data = doveData)
The function returns an object of class DOVE containing a list with the following elements. For brevity, we show only a snapshot of the large tabular results.
: The unevaluated call.
: The estimated hazard ratio for each covariate, together with the (estimated) standard error, the 95% confidence interval, and the two-sided p-value for testing no covariate effect.
## coef se(coef) z Pr(>|z|) exp(coef) lower .95 upper .95
## priority 0.2139999 0.01444336 14.816485 0 1.238622 1.204050 1.274188
## sex 0.3645546 0.03940875 9.250601 0 1.439873 1.332842 1.555498
: Element contains the estimated VE in reducing the attack rate at each observed event time, together with its standard error and the 95% confidence interval. In addition, the raw estimate of the hazard ratio at each observed event time is provided.
## time VE_a se lower .95 upper .95 hazardRatio
## [1,] 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
## [2,] 1 0.3529937 0.2056809 -0.20644423 0.6530157 0.6470063
## [3,] 2 0.2547967 0.1569215 -0.12595279 0.5067929 0.8434002
## [4,] 3 0.1559060 0.1377541 -0.16227101 0.3869806 1.0418753
## [5,] 4 0.2198001 0.1153130 -0.04235380 0.4160218 0.5885176
## [6,] 5 0.2577284 0.1011185 0.03055578 0.4316670 0.5905584
## time VE_a se lower .95 upper .95 hazardRatio
## [284,] 298 0.5614314 0.02587078 0.5076771 0.6093166 0.9504455
## [285,] 299 0.5595833 0.02620395 0.5051090 0.6080614 0.9911702
## [286,] 301 0.5588241 0.02650251 0.5036975 0.6078275 1.1093593
## [287,] 304 0.5588767 0.02682445 0.5030393 0.6084403 1.3075374
## [288,] 306 0.5569388 0.02734465 0.4999669 0.6074196 1.4752206
## [289,] 307 0.5532190 0.02807463 0.4946606 0.6049916 1.5850495
Element contains the estimated VE in reducing the attack rate over each time period, its standard error, and the 95% confidence interval.
## left right VE_a se lower .95 upper .95
## [1,] 0 60 0.6821729 0.02126667 0.63763337 0.7212379
## [2,] 60 120 0.7239177 0.02133139 0.67877631 0.7627153
## [3,] 120 180 0.6755593 0.02529073 0.62200229 0.7215281
## [4,] 180 240 0.4436504 0.04417056 0.34997670 0.5238249
## [5,] 240 300 0.2799564 0.09087456 0.07787798 0.4377503
The graphical depictions of estimates returned in are generated by default by and are shown in Figure . This figure can be regenerated using as follows:
In the first analysis illustrating , we set Week 4 as the change point and assume a potentially waning VE after 4 weeks. We estimate VEa over 0-4, 4-16, 16-28, 28-40 weeks. Note that all times must be provided in the unit of days. The function call takes the following form
result2 <- dove2(formula = Surv(event.time, event.status) ~ priority + sex +
vaccine(entry.time, vaccine.status, vaccine.time),
data = doveData,
changePts = 4*7,
timePts = c(4, 16, 28, 40)*7)
## tau = 320
## Number of subjects: 40000
## log partial-likelihood at final estimates: -27351.81
The function returns an S3 object of class DOVE, which contains a list object with the following information.
: The unevaluated call.
## dove2(formula = Surv(event.time, event.status) ~ priority + sex +
## vaccine(entry.time, vaccine.status, vaccine.time), data = doveData,
## changePts = 4 * 7, timePts = c(4, 16, 28, 40) * 7)
: The changePts of the analysis.
## [1] 28
: The estimated (log) hazard ratio of each covariate, together with the estimated standard error, the 95% confidence interval, and the two-sided p-value for testing no covariate effect.
## coef se(coef) z Pr(>|z|) exp(coef) lower .95
## priority 0.2145486 0.01438123 14.918649 2.492693e-50 1.239302 1.204858
## sex 0.3646241 0.03940478 9.253296 2.176748e-20 1.439973 1.332945
## upper .95
## priority 1.274732
## sex 1.555594
When no baseline covariates are provided, this element will be NA.
: Element contains the daily VE estimate in reducing the attack rate, together with its standard error and the 95% confidence interval. Element contains the daily VE estimate in reducing the hazard rate, together with its standard error and the 95% confidence interval.
## time VE_a se lower .95 upper .95
## [1,] 0 0.00000000 0.000000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
## [2,] 1 0.03024399 0.001222094 0.02784573 0.03263634
## [3,] 2 0.05927458 0.002346379 0.05466442 0.06386226
## [4,] 3 0.08714643 0.003379452 0.08049861 0.09374618
## [5,] 4 0.11391156 0.004327491 0.10538895 0.12235298
## [6,] 5 0.13961952 0.005196276 0.12937430 0.14974418
## time VE_a se lower .95 upper .95
## [316,] 315 0.5385651 0.02499808 0.4868731 0.5850498
## [317,] 316 0.5370153 0.02518384 0.4849277 0.5838355
## [318,] 317 0.5354577 0.02537152 0.4829703 0.5826167
## [319,] 318 0.5338922 0.02556114 0.4810008 0.5813935
## [320,] 319 0.5323189 0.02575270 0.4790191 0.5801658
## [321,] 320 0.5307377 0.02594622 0.4770253 0.5789336
## time VE_h se lower .95 upper .95
## [1,] 0 0.00000000 0.000000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
## [2,] 1 0.05987195 0.002394147 0.05516769 0.06455278
## [3,] 2 0.11615925 0.004501610 0.10729190 0.12493851
## [4,] 3 0.16907651 0.006348134 0.15654055 0.18142616
## [5,] 4 0.21882552 0.007957412 0.20307225 0.23426738
## [6,] 5 0.26559596 0.009351233 0.24703692 0.28369756
## time VE_h se lower .95 upper .95
## [316,] 315 0.05159091 0.09347856 -0.1505214 0.2181981
## [317,] 316 0.04603717 0.09443096 -0.1582220 0.2142741
## [318,] 317 0.04045090 0.09539185 -0.1659755 0.2103312
## [319,] 318 0.03483192 0.09636127 -0.1737821 0.2063694
## [320,] 319 0.02918004 0.09733931 -0.1816423 0.2023886
## [321,] 320 0.02349506 0.09832601 -0.1895563 0.1983886
Element contains the estimated VE in reducing the attack rate over each time period, its standard error, and the 95% confidence interval.
## left right VE_a se lower .95 upper .95
## [1,] 0 28 0.5242172 0.01230293 0.4994819 0.5477300
## [2,] 28 112 0.7708700 0.01303526 0.7438421 0.7950462
## [3,] 112 196 0.6258165 0.01823842 0.5883060 0.6599094
## [4,] 196 280 0.3889351 0.04248634 0.2997210 0.4667834
The graphical depictions of VEa and VEh estimates are generated by default by and are shown in Figure . This figure can be regenerated using as follows:
In the final analysis, we have the software use AIC to choose a change point among Weeks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. We assume a constant VE after the change point, and thus only the constant VE is estimated. The function call takes the following form
result3 <- dove2(formula = Surv(event.time, event.status) ~ priority + sex +
vaccine(entry.time, vaccine.status, vaccine.time),
data = doveData,
constantVE = TRUE)
## tau = 320
## changePts not given; using AIC to select from {28,35,42,49,56}
## Day 28 (week 4) was selected as the change point by AIC
## Number of subjects: 40000
## log partial-likelihood at final estimates: -27422.25
The function returns a list object containing the following items.
: The change point selected.
## [1] 28
: The estimated (log) hazard ratio of each covariate, together with the estimated standard error, the 95% confidence interval, and the two-sided p-value for testing no covariate effect.
## coef se(coef) z Pr(>|z|) exp(coef) lower .95
## priority 0.2127205 0.01450545 14.664868 1.082278e-48 1.237039 1.202364
## sex 0.3652731 0.03940404 9.269939 1.862523e-20 1.440907 1.333812
## upper .95
## priority 1.272713
## sex 1.556602
: Element contains the estimated constant VE, together with its standard error and the 95% confidence interval.
## VE se lower .95 upper .95
## 0.68233226 0.01443303 0.65274570 0.70939801
Plots cannot be generated when = TRUE.
## plot() is not available for the provided analysis (constantVE = TRUE)
Lin DY, Zeng D, Gilbert PB (2021a). Evaluating the long-term efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciab226,
Lin, D-Y, Gu, Y., Zeng, D., Janes, H. E., and Gilbert, P. B. (2021b). Evaluating Vaccine Efficacy Against SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciab630,